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Just want to make other happy and make them feel better when they see this blogg nothing else. This site is dedicated to my friends. I`m so thank full to all my school friends and to my college friends.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How to Get More Retweets

When it comes to getting retweets the old saying "content is king" rings true.  The better your content is, the more likely other people are to retweet it.

But retweets are more of a science than you might suppose.  Tweeting at a certain time, in a certain way, will increase your retweet potential.

If you want to be retweeted keep in mind that you will need to leave enough room for the tweet, plus "RT @yourusername".

Building retweeting relationships and installing retweet buttons within your content also give your tweets the best chance of being retweeted.

You can find out the most retweeted stories on Twitter by using tweetmeme, which is a service that tracks how many retweets a particular tweet has received.
A great way to integrate tweetmeme into your website is by implementing the tweetmeme retweet button onto every page that you want to have shared on Twitter.
Twitter recently launched an official tweet button that you might want to consider using on your website or blog as well.  Since this is official I recommend it over the tweetmeme button.
Tweets including links retweet far better than those without.  It helps of course, if the tweet is interesting, and if it links to great content. 
The list directory Listorious tracks the 140 most popular lists on twitter, so if you are looking for great content these lists are a great place to find it.
How To: Write Retweetable Tweets
For your tweet to be retweeted keep in mind that many people do not use the new retweet button and instead retweet the old fashioned way, by copy and pasting your tweet and including your username. 
If you want to receive the most retweets make sure you leave enough room in your tweets for your user name to be included. (140 - the length of your username + rt).
How To: Time Your Tweets Perfectly for Retweets

As your tweets are retweeted you will probably find that you pick up a few new followers each time.  Sometimes this strategy will enable you to pick up several new followers, depending on what you tweet, when you tweet it, and who retweets you.  
A good strategy to for attaining retweets is to Tweet your best stuff out during peak times.

The peak time for Twitter is after lunch. Between noon and 5 p.m. EST is when you will probably find that you get the most retweets.

The best days of the week for retweets are Thursday and Friday.
Build Retweeting Relationships

With retweets it is often true that you get what you give. Whenever someone retweets something I post, I try to scan his or her stream for something good that I can retweet.  When people know that you will return the favor they are much more likely to retweet you.
I have found that good quotes retweet very well, so I recommend tweeting a quote into your stream every few days. 
A few cool accounts to follow for great quotes are http://twitter.com/motivational and http://twitter.com/GreatestQuotes.
Talk soon

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