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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Justin Bieber Has Dedicated Servers at Twitter

Justin Bieber Has Dedicated Servers at TwitterJustin Bieber uses 3% of Twitter resources at any moment. According to a Twitter employee—talking to designer Dustin Curtis—Bieber has "racks of servers dedicated to him. I'm sure this will excite his haters (hello 4chan!) even more. Updated
Dustin confirmed to us that his tweet is not a joke. He was told about it by a Twitter employee. Since Bieber is almost a perennial trending topic, I'm not surprised. Still, and given the 180 million unique visitors every month, that's quite an achievement.
What is really important, however, is this: Now, every time that whale pops, you will have one more reason to slap him. [Twitter]
Updated: The Twitter employee told Dustin that most big users have their own dedicated Twitter servers. [Twitter]
Send an email to Jesus Diaz, the author of this post, at jesus@gizmodo.com.

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