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Just want to make other happy and make them feel better when they see this blogg nothing else. This site is dedicated to my friends. I`m so thank full to all my school friends and to my college friends.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

20 New Resource Packs Added to Vandelay Premier in February, 2011 - Vandelay Design

Although February was a short month, 20 new resource packs were added to Vandelay Premier. As always, members get unlimited access to download all of these files, or they can be purchased individually. We recently added a Bargain Bin where resource packs can be purchased for as little as $1, and we're happy to have 17 different packs to offer at a bargain. These resources will change periodically, so if you are interested in getting a great deal, check the bargain bin frequently.

In another new addition to the site, bundles of resource packs are now being offered.  If you use a lot of textures in your design work be sure to check out our Premier Texture Bundle that includes 100 high-quality, high-resolution textures for $19.

Mac Bundle Box Promotion

On the subject of bundles, Mac Bundle Box is currently running a promotion for our Premier Texture Bundle. For the next 2 days you can get the texture bundle for just $9 (that's less than $0.10 per high-res texture). Visit Mac Bundle Box to take advantage of the limited time offer.

New Resources for February

The following resources were added to Vandelay Premier in February:


Pricing Table Template (PSD/HTML/CSS/jQuery) ($6)

Pricing Table Template


Travel Icons ($6)

Travel Icons

Photoshop Files:

Photo Display PSD ($6)

Photo Display PSD

T-Shirt Mockup with Model ($5)

T-Shirt Mockup with Model

Subtle Grunge Grid Patterns ($4)

Subtle Grunge Grid Patterns

Plaid Photoshop Patterns ($4)

Plaid Photoshop Patterns

Carbon Fiber Photoshop Patterns ($4)

Carbon Fiber Photoshop Patterns


Bags and Boxes Vectors ($4)

Bags and Boxes Vectors

Cracks Vectors ($5)

Cracks Vectors

Yoga Silhouettes ($5)

Yoga Silhouettes


Subtle Grunge Textures ($4)

Subtle Grunge Textures

Decorative Textures ($4)

Decorative Textures

Grunge Metal Textures Super Pack ($7)

Grunge Metal Textures Super Pack

Cannon Textures ($4)

Cannon Textures

Dirty Mats Textures ($4)

Dirty Mats Textures

Grooved Textures – Part I ($4)

Grooved Textures - Part I

Winter Textures ($4)

Winter Textures

Stained Paper Towel Textures ($4)

Stained Paper Towel Textures


Watercolor Brushes – Part II ($5)

Watercolor Brushes - Part II

Lines Brushes for Photoshop ($5)

Lines Brushes for Photoshop

If you're interested in getting unlimited access to more than 2,500+ resources you can take a tour or sign up for membership.

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