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Just want to make other happy and make them feel better when they see this blogg nothing else. This site is dedicated to my friends. I`m so thank full to all my school friends and to my college friends.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Most men have never learned to develop their "inner self confidence"... and become the kind of guy that is literally BULLET-PROOF.

Most men HATE the idea of "rejection".

The idea of walking up to a woman and having her REJECT you causes most men to instantly feel sick and literally feel a horrible combination of nervousness and

The heart rate shoots up, breathing quickens, eyes dart back and forth, thoughts of rejection fill the mind, and eventually the pressure becomes too much to bare.

The temptation is great to just "walk away"
because of the intense nervousness, triggered by the moment one decides to ACT, it goes away when you decide to "forget about it and walk away".

Most of the time (and I'm talking about probably 99% of the time here) men just walk away. They give up before they've even started.

If I just think about it, I can remember MANY times in my past where I wanted to talk to a woman, but I just didn't do it.

In fact, many of them are so vivid that I can remember the exact setting, what the girl looked like, who else was there, etc... And I'm talking about situations that happened YEARS ago.

I've found that for me PERSONALLY, my FEAR of rejection is actually FAR, FAR more painful and difficult to deal with than ACTUAL rejection in the real world.

The main reason for this is that most of the time when a man starts talking to a woman, she is actually rather nice about the whole affair.

If a woman isn't interested, she usually just says "I have a boyfriend" or "No thank you"... or she'll just walk away without saying anything at all.

"How do you deal with rejection?”

The answer: Don't worry about it.


No big deal and it does n't happen that often.

You'll find yourself telling your friends about it, and laughing together. Rejection from a woman is about as painful as getting a "0" on a test.

It's just insignificant.

Here are the main ones:

1. the guy isn't paying attention, and he does
something stupid to begin with.

Some guys think it's appropriate to walk up to a woman, put their arm around her, and say, "Hey baby, you sure do look hot tonight".

2. The guy doesn't stop when he should.

If two women are sitting alone at a table in the corner, and one of them is obviously upset, and you walk over to them and say, "Hi, can I buy you a drink?"... and the upset one looks at you and says, "No thanks, we're in the middle of a conversation" (then looks away from you back at her friend)... and you say, "Aw, cummon, have a
drink. You need to lighten up and have some fun"... and she looks back at you and says firmly, "We're busy"... and you say, "What, are you in a bad mood or something? I'm just trying to buy you a drink"... and she says, "We don't want a drink"... and you say, "Well maybe your friend does"... and the friend says, "No, I don't want one either"...

If you ever do something like this, you are a dumb ass, and you deserve to be slapped and have 47 drinks thrown in your lap.

3. Making a woman nervous with your body

4. Not understanding a woman's body language and
other communication.

When you start talking to a woman, she will let you know within a very short time if she's receptive to talking to you.

If you've been reading too many books that say "A woman will signal her availability and interest by flipping her hair, licking her lips, and cocking her head coyly at you", then get over it.

This stuff happens to Brad Pitt, not to YOU.

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